- Manuscripts
- Consultations
Our team can help to write manuscripts in
many areas dealing with drugs. These are: pharmacology,
clinical pharmacology, pharmacoeconomics and pharmacy.
Our specialists published in the past above 150 papers
in the international journals.
Some examples are given below.
- Evaluation of Drug Toxicity in Clinical Trials.
Sci.Engl.Ethics 2006; 12: 139-145.
- Bioequivalence of two preparation of ticlopidine
evaluated using a pharmacodynamic end point. Int.J.Clin.Pharmacol.
Ther. 2005; 43: 452-456.
- Clinical trials: active control vs placebo -
what is ethical ? Sci. Eng.Ethics 2004; 10: 73-79.
- Znaczenie farmakoekonomiki dla ochrony zdrowia.
Post. Farmakon. 2001; 2: 2-5.
- Leczenie spironolaktonem zmniejsza koszty choroby:
ocena ekonomiczna. J. Am.Coll. Card.. - Pl 2003;
4: 1-5.
- Is donepezil cost-effective in the treatment
of Alzheimer disease ? ISPOR XII Int. Meeting Abstract.
no. Pactt 28, Washington 2002.
- Recommendation for reimbursement based on "Added
Health Value" and the concept of "Perfect
List of Reimbursement". Siar News 2000, no
30: 58-60.
We can help you in all the areas listed above.
Just contact us by e-mail or telephone and discuss
your problem - it cost nothing.
Our service include: preparation of scientific
manuscripts in the area: clinical pharmacology, pharmacology,
bioequivalence, pharmacy. Consultation on the above
areas and drug market.
Our experience: consultants working for Clinic
Pharma have together published ca. 150 papers in the
international journals. |
plans to goals and value. |
The ideas mentioned above are extremely important
at the stage of planning. Once the project is well-planned
the chances for success are high. Success means value:
excellent plan is a success as well as each step,
even the smallest one, on the way to the big goal.
We think meticulously on each move - this is how
we build and how we consider value.
Achieving a goal is of paramount importance. It
does not matter whether you are starting your business
or "you are old" in the business and you know how
to do it. When you are starting you need a success
to survive, when you are "old" you cannot afford
a failure. Throughout the life of your medicinal
product, especially at its delivery, and to help
its survival our service is of real value. Try us
to know how profitable could be our assistance. |
voice |
Expert Voice
During last two months there is a growing pressure
on the budget to increase the GNP share for the
health care. All the parties present at several
meetings, e.g. "Koalicja dla Zdrowia", "Reimbursement", "Rynek
Zdrowia" and others argue that this share should
be increased by 2%. Ministry declares (this is
not a new declaration, some may thing about déja
vu phenomenon)... read
more |